Dear Members,
Following Wednesday night’s AGM, the subscriptions in the document linked below were passed by those members present at the AGM for the 24/25 season. One of our aims for the forthcoming year is to be more transparent with the membership and explain why decisions have been made. The revised subscriptions are in response to the:
- increased costs the club is incurring in running the club; and
- the need to improve the club’s financial performance
The latter is the chief aim for season 24/25.
The agreed subs for the 24/25 season can be found here*: GHA Subscriptions 24/25
Unpaid subscriptions will be contacted shortly to confirm membership status and payment method. Any queries or concerns regarding membership payments should be directed to Rod Jenkins in writing – [email protected].
*Please note the cost of the Non-playing and Country membership subscriptions will remain the same price as the 23/24 season. Apologies for any confusion caused by the previous document stating a reduction in cost.