Members Clubs & Societies
Braidholm Golfing Society
The Society was formed in 1994, evolving from the original CLARKSTON RFC Golf Section, when our inaugural Captain was Mr Willard Dougall. The current Committee members are…
Captain: Zander McIlwham
Past Captain: Graeme Thomson
Secretary: Alan Thomson
Treasurer: Keith Jones
The Society holds 3 outings during the year (Spring, Summer and Autumn), a singles competition when numbers are adequate and other occasional events e.g. Annual Dinner, Golf Weekend.
Membership of the Braidholm Golfing Society costs an AMAZINGLY LOW £5 PER YEAR which will allow you to participate in every event we run and is payable to the Treasurer, Keith Jones. (The individual outings or events are all separately priced and are not included in the Membership fee.)
If you would like to join the Braidholm Golfing Society, please complete your details in the form below which will be sent to Secretary, Alan Thomson.