GHA are please to announce the launch of a new Youth Development programme around local schools which will be headed up by our newly appointed Schools Liaison Officer, Chris Nairn.
The Programme is an organised and carefully planned opportunity for pupils in local East Renfrewshire and Glasgow city Primary and later Secondary schools to experience the delights of rugby. Each session in Primary will last from one to an hour and a half. The sessions will be under the auspices of GHA , the SRU and East Renfrewshire Sport and Leisure and Glasgow City.
There are several reasons for embarking on this project. Firstly GHA RFC believes that the club has a responsibility to offer the opportunity for more boys and girls to enjoy rugby in our local community. Secondly players are the lifeblood of any rugby club and this coaching programme provides in the longer term the opportunity to attract boys and girls to join our club and develop their playing ability in our excellent playing teams. Thirdly it allows parents and carers to experience the care and attention that this club takes in its playing and non playing members and perhaps that experience will encourage them to become part of our club.
The club has invited a number of their Under 18/under 16/University students to participate in the Programme. They have been chosen because of their rugby skills and their personal qualities which make them excellent ambassadors for our club. All of our young coaches have gone through the process of Disclosure and have been fully briefed on the standards of conduct and deportment required to work in the school environment in an official capacity.
GHA believes that these sessions will help pupils to develop over the coaching period an elementary awareness of basic aspects of rugby union.
By participation pupils will in a practical way enhance their prowess in their development of the four capacities (successful learner,confident individual,responsible citizen and effective contributor) of the Curriculum for Excellence through developing such skills in the open air classroom as teamwork, sportsmanship,competition,leadership decision making and problem solving.
The Programme begins on Wednesday 8th March with coaching sessions at Merrylee Primary. It is hoped to roll out the Programme after the Easter holidays when East Renfrewshire Sport and Leisure will assist the club in planning sessions in schools. The initial trench of coaches consists of six young coaches who will work in pairs. The club’s Schools Liaison Officer will attend the sessions to provide administrative assistance, liaison with the schools and to monitor the operation. It is planned that once the Programme has been established to invite more of the young players to participate in preparing to become a coach in the Programme. On completion of each block of coaching the school will be asked as a matter of courtesy and to assist planning to provide detailed feedback on the Programme. This information will enable the club to adapt and improve the programme.