With only 10 days left to the draw of GHA RFC’s raffle, could I please remind all members and parents of junior members that the ticket stubs and the money need to be in by THURSDAY 24TH MAY. This will allow the raffle organisers to sort out all the tickets and money and have everything ready for the draw, which will take place in the clubhouse after the 7’s event that day. Clearly we will be trying to sell more tickets on the day and these will naturally be accepted, as will any late stubs and money from members, but ideally if we could all try and get your money into Claire at the club or to myself on or before the 24TH MAY, it would be most appreciated.
To help with this, I am holding a raffle ticket “final drop off” night on THURSDAY 24TH MAY from 7.30pm at the club. Please try and come down with your stubs and money that evening, if you cannot make it before that.
We have already received tickets but not in the numbers that we were hoping for, so those who haven’t returned theirs – and you know who you are – please do so ASAP.
The club badly needs this source of income and with some great prizes on offer then there should be a good chance of bringing in some much needed money.
Finally, if anyone is in a position to add to the list of prizes, please feel free to drop something off with me or at the club.
Your support is appreciated.
Many thanks,
Euan Baillie