Dear Members,


Further to Euan Greer’s previous correspondence on the Club’s intention to undertake a

Governance Review we would like to provide a progress update.

You will recall that the Steering Group has been tasked with producing a set of recommendations with the following outcomes being achieved:

1. Articles of Association and club governance structure being amended

2. Short to long term plan for rugby and general club management

3. Defined roles and responsibilities for elected club officials and volunteers

4. Greater engagement with membership and local community

5. Sustained revenue so the club is financially profitable.

Sub Groups progress

The 3 Sub Groups have been established and a small number of volunteers enlisted to support them in progressing their respective scopes. They will be initiating engagement and consultation with the fuller membership in the New Year and would welcome input of ideas and opinions from any interested parties.

As a reminder the Sub Groups are :

Governance structure – led by Ross Haggerty

Revenue generation and cost base management – led by Paul Harkins Communication – led by David Cobban

Members’ Survey

It is still our intention to carry out a survey of all members to ensure the maximum of opinions and ideas are gathered and to hopefully enlist more volunteers in supporting the future development and growth of the Club.

We do however recognise that this is key piece of work from which we wish to derive the maximum benefit and therefore would like to enlist the support of people with expertise and knowledge in how best this can be achieved. If any members can support this activity please contact a member of the Steering Group.

Ongoing Communications

We aim to provide regular updates on progress by email and club noticeboards but would ask that you engage with members of the Steering Group who are all regularly around the Club.

Kind regards,

The Steering Group (David Cobban, Alan Eccles, Lyndsay Faulds, Paul Harkins, Ross Haggarty, Rangi Jericevich, Brian MacBride)

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